
At Newbridge Civil Pty Ltd, we cover a wide variety of different markets, making sure that each are of high quality and cover set requirements.

Mining​We know mining. Our engineers have designed more stockpile tunnels, haul road bridges, heavy rail bridges, underpasses, and mine portals than any company in the world. Our team has mining project experience which includes project management and documentation, design, manufacturing, delivery and mine-site compliant installation.
Public Road Infrastructure​Public road infrastructure requires strict adherence to National Standards and State specifications. Our products meet and exceed code requirements and include modern protective coating systems to ensure long asset life.
Rail Infrastructure​Rail over or under. We can provide a solution that complies with both public rail authority and private rail owner requirements.
Fauna CrossingsOur unique wildlife is often killed or injured while attempting to cross busy highways. Larger animal strikes can also cause serious injury to vehicle occupants as well as significant property damage. Our fauna crossings have been designed as aesthetically pleasing structures that allow animals to safely cross over road highways. Habitat is maintained over the arch using appropriate native plantings.
ForestryForestry roads and bridges are often temporary structures with a short design life. Our arches and prefabricated steel bridges are cost effective and often reusable.
Private DevelopersAttractively finished arches can make a significant statement for commercial and residential land developers.
Military InstallationsBlast resistant camouflaged buried arches have significant use in Military applications.